On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 03:15:00PM +0200, Roman Joost wrote: > On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 02:59:37PM +0200, GSR - FR wrote: > > > > ellen.reitmayr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2004-06-04 at 1337.31 +0200): > > > http://www.relevantive.de/gimp/report/results_usabilitytest_05.04.html > > > - Clearly mark the current layer > > > > Or is this a problem of translating the report? > No - this seems to be an issue of the default SuSE theme. The tests were > made on a SuSE distribution with an installed GIMP 2.0. They're using > QT and GTK+ themes together and it seems, that something is broken > there. > this is the type of thing i was worried about when the usability tests were being conducted by people who dont know linux or gimp and only know windows and photoshop. had there been someone present at the tests who had any experience with helping people with the gimp, there would have been someone there who knew how many of the gimp's "problems" are actually the problem of the distribution. when will the day come that linux users can test other software and have their opinions mean so much? carol