David Neary wrote:
Are there any people opposed to closer ties with the GNOME Foundation?
Well, GIMP is not part of GNOME, and this assertion was made repeatedly over the years. Apart from labeling GIMP more of a GNOME program, I wouldn't oppose (but I don't count much anyway :)
I know, We could even change the name of the GIMP to the GINPOG it's been repeated so much. But this is a bunch of people with really close ties to the gimp (we use their toolkit and infrastructure, a few years ago they used to use our toolkit), who really want to help us both short term and long term.
See the problem I see with the GINPOG attitude and joining GNOME is that we are saying we are willing to take your money and your time and your developers, but we are not willing to actually show any support for you in any way.
Thne fears that I - as a Win32 user - have are that by moving closer to GNOME, GIMP might become too linux-centric. If those fears are unjustified, I'd be glad to presented the facts that render them invalid.
HTH, Michael
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