>From what I expected and understood from the Future of Gimp RFC: http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/msg03656.html Gimp 2.0 will indeed have 16-bit per colour value, CMYK, integration with GEGL, etc. If there's still work in this direction, then I suggest making it version 2.0, and keeping the next stable release as 1.4. Note that a 1.4 version does not devaluate of all the hard work that was put into the Gimp. By all means, a new secondary version in Gimp is always a big deal, and will be very appreciated. Best regards, Shlomi Fish ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shlomi Fish shlomif@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Home Page: http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/ An apple a day will keep a doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two doctors away. Falk Fish