The Register has an interview with Holger Dyroff, the representative of SusE in the U.S.A. The interview touches up desktop applications that are shipped with Suse, will be shipped with Suse, and the apps that Suse would like to ship. (BTW, he predicts that the Linux desktop will have a bigger market share than Apple by this time next year.) According to Holger, "applications will be key for this market" (the desktop). Further down (about two thirds into the article) the interview goes like this: "Interviewer: What applications do you hear the most requests for on the home and small office level? Holger: Photo Editing and Printing is a huge issue. Gimp is nice, but is yet missing some features and people are asking about Adobe Photoshop-like applications and features all the time. Another area which is frequently asked for is web publishing and tools like Macromedia offers. Interviewer: Anything up SuSE's sleeve on in these areas? Holger: Not yet, we are not application programers, but a service provider who takes what is available as open source software and delivers it to its customers. Both ISVs Adobe and Macromedia would definitely be a key towards a Linux desktop revolution. And I read Adobe is starting to use QT to develop on." -- branko collin collin@xxxxxxxxx