Michael Schumacher writes: > the "erase every other row" script-fu seems to be > broken. Sometimes, the wrong row is deleted. A sample image showing > this effect is available here: > http://www.gimp.de/1044969327/1045147200/1045173183/streifen.png Jean-Louis Hamel writes: > Conclusion: there is a bug in the last version of GTK+, probably a > rounding error when computing the dimensions of a selection rectangle > (or perhaps the feather option always applied...). I can confirm this bug, but I find it very hard to believe that it would be caused by some bug in GTK+. GIMP's selections (especially when created programmatically, from script-fu, and not via user input) have nothing to do with GTK+. It's easy to demonstrate the essence of this bug by creating a small image, say 10x20 pixels, zoom it up so you can see the pixels, fill it with black, and enter in the Script-Fu console: ; (this is a comment) Show the image's ID, assuming you have only one ; image open. If this is a fresh GIMP, it's typically 0 (aref (cadr (gimp-image-list)) 0) ; Show its single layer's drawable ID. Typically 2. (gimp-image-active-drawable <image>) ; where <image> is the number printed above (gimp-rect-select <image> 0 12 10 1 REPLACE FALSE 0) (gimp-edit-clear <drawable>) This should clear pixel row 12 to white, and does so. (gimp-rect-select <image> 0 14 10 1 REPLACE FALSE 0) (gimp-edit-clear <drawable>) This should clear pixel row 14, but in fact clears row 13! Has anybody noticed this with a recent CVS GIMP 1.2 on Unix? --tml