On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 06:15:07PM +0100, Simon Budig wrote: > David Odin (dindinx@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote: > > While trying to compile the current gimp CVS, gcc stops with the following > > error: > > /export4/Gimp/gimp/app/pdb/display_cmds.c:118: undefined reference to > > `gdisplay_get_by_ID' > > I had the same problem yesterday. I managed to solve it by removing that > file and cheching it out again (it was marked modified despite the fact > that i did noting with it). Then everything worked. Strange. > Pretty strange indeed: coruscant:/export4/Gimp/gimp/tools/pdbgen$ cvs log pdb.pl | grep "date:" | head -1 date: 2001/09/25 23:23:07; author: mitch; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 It looks like pdb.pl hasn't been modified since september. I've checked that gimp/app/pdb/display_cmds.c in CVS does contain the fixed code, but since it is an autogenerated file, it is erased and replaced by the broken one by the pdb generating code as soon as a make is invoked at the top-level. It looks to me that Mitch has commited the right app/pdb/display_cmds.c file but forgot to commit the right gimp/tools/pdbgen/pdb.pl file. This raise a question: why app/pdb/display_cmds.c is in the CVS? Imho, it shouldn't since it is autogenerated. Regards, DindinX -- dindinx@xxxxxxxxxx Bubble Memory, n.: A derogatory term, usually referring to a person's intelligence. See also "vacuum tube".