Hi. > It would be great if we could get all that uncertainty out of them. :-)) > We must know what we want to have as the result and how to get there. Concerning the "Content Engine": We use CVS and a simple perl script for recursive dirctory walks to compile the pages from templates. We have design and content templates, but that's only the way we do it. The advantages are: o design and content are seperated o the templates are very simple, especially the content ones o the template directory structure mirrors the final web site structure o the whole script is ~370 lines (easily understood) o you can define site wide macros o you can define macros to be replaced with script output (e.g. $CURRENT_WEATHER:Berlin or $DATE, ...) o it's easy to use, even as a CVS notify trigger Now, I'm not saying this is the tool to use. Rather, I'm suggesting to use something like it. I'd gladly provide it as a starting point, but a few small tune-ups are in order. I'd volunteer to write these. I think using nothing but html pages will simply not work and using a complicated content management will be too hard to learn. A newby joining in later will have a high learning curve ahead of him/her before (s)he can contribute. Greetings, Andreas -- Andreas Jaekel, CableCats GmbH, Flottenstr. 28-42, 13407 Berlin http://www.cablecats.de/ Tel.: 030 - 916 11 77 3