Does anyone have any interest in a GimpWiki? It seems like a good model for a collaborative documentation site. I think a project like is to large for one volunteer. Check out the following examples of Wiki's in support of development projects: Tcl'ers Wiki: Squeak Wiki: What's a Wiki? --Shawn On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Adrian Likins wrote: > > okay, as you have probabaly noticed. is old > and and outdated. That is pretty much completely my fault. > > I really dont have the time or the motivation to work > on web site stuff anymore, or at least not to the level that > something like gimp should have as its web site. > > So, if there is anyone interested in taking over the > web site, revamping the content, maintaining the info, etc,etc, > please email webmaster@xxxxxxxxx > > The current machine is probabaly underpowered for doing > much php/mod_perl/ssi/database/etc, etc based stuff, but it's > theorectially moving to a faster machine that might be able to > handle it. > > > Adrian > > > S h a w n W a l l a c e AS220, Providence RI USA URL: