Hi, on our way from 1.0 to 1.2 we included a few plug-ins that were considered not to be stable enough to be included with a stable release. This was done in the hope that the inclusion into the 1.1 developement tree would encourage people to work on those plug-ins so that they would become stable enough to be released with 1.2. IMO the time has come to doublecheck what plug-ins do fulfill our needs. We have a lot of unmaintained plug-ins in the distribution. Most of them are however quite small, so fixing a bug or doing small changes (like adding gettext support for example) is not too difficult. However there are a few quite large plug-ins (partially written with obscure coding schemes) in our distribution. Some of them are actively developed and maintained by their authors. But unfortunately we have some obviously abandoned projects in our tree. My proposal (and I don't think that anyone can really object against it, since it is the only reasonable way to go) is that we search maintainers for those plug-ins and if we don't find someone feeling responsible we move the plug-in out of the stable tree as soon as a bug is found. I'm not yet sure how this should be organized. I will try to build a complete list of all plug-ins with some information like number of files, codesize, original author, current maintainer and post it here later. Hopefully some people will volunteer to take responsibilities for the abandoned projects. I propose that this list gets included with the distribution so that people know who to contact. Salut, Sven PS: Before I come back with the proposed list, here are some of the plug-ins that I know are broken but too big to fix easily: FractalExplorer GFlare GFig (should at least be cleaned up, the code is one 320k file) libgck (we should get rid of this one or at least rename it) Lighting (has some bugs/disabled features in the preview code)