Hi, firstly, sorry for the long delay. A public holiday in parts of germany. On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 05:28:37PM +0200, Marc Lehmann wrote: > I don´t understand this conclusion.. Do you mean the "top" (or the > baseline) of the two text layers doesn´t match, or do you mean that the > baselines agree while the layers are sized differently? to clarify this a bit consider this script (sorry for the clumsy perl - its my graphiclanguage-to-perl-translator, I have cut and pastet from the debug output so please ignore the linenumbering :): 3: use Gimp; 4: Gimp::Net::gimp_init(); 5: my $gimpl={}; 6: 7: $gimpl->{img}=gimp_image_new(200,200,RGB_IMAGE); 8: $gimpl->{bg}=gimp_layer_new($gimpl->{img},200,200,RGBA_IMAGE,"background",100,NORMAL_MODE); 9: gimp_image_add_layer($gimpl->{bg},-1); 10: gimp_palette_set_background([0xFF,0xFF,0xFF]); 11: $gimpl->{bg}->gimp_drawable_fill(BG_IMAGE_FILL); 12: 13: gimp_palette_set_foreground([0x00,0x00,0x00]); 14: $gimpl->{small}=$gimpl->{img}->gimp_text(-1,0,0,"Äq",0,1,48,0,"ttf","arial","*","r","normal","*","*","iso8859"); 15: 16: $gimpl->{small}->gimp_layer_set_offsets(0,10); 17: 18: gimp_palette_set_foreground([0x00,0x00,0x00]); 19: $gimpl->{big}=$gimpl->{img}->gimp_text(-1,0,0,"ru",0,1,48,0,"ttf","arial","*","r","normal","*","*","iso8859"); 20: 21: $gimpl->{big}->gimp_layer_set_offsets(100,10); 22: wm3print(qq{ }); 23: $gimpl->{img}->gimp_display_new; This script produces an image which has two gdtextlayers. One with Aumlaut-q and one with r-u. Though both are positioned at equal y positions they are not on the same text-baseline. > Yes, you could use Gimp->text_get_extents to get the position of the > baseline, and the maximum size (measure XygjZ79 or something similar to > be sure ;) then you can resize the layer after it was created. gimp_text_get_extents returns 62, 53, 43, 10 and 46, 53, 43, 10 which seems correct to me. Now, why does gimp_text put the top of Äq and ru on the same line. The bottom of ru should be on the same y-pos as the baseline of Äq. BTW: Using the gimp-GUI does produce a different result. The two textlayers have the same height now, though ru is still at the top. The "right" approach to me seems to patch gimp_text and not to create a new wrapper which positions them correctly. Thanks anyway Martin -- http://www.dmcs.de/ mailto:mtvb@xxxxxxx Tel: 07 21/9 20 60-42 digital marketing concepts & services GmbH Fax: 07 21/9 20 60-30 martin:x:518:112:Martin Treusch von Buttlar:/home/martin:/usr/bin/perl