Dear Olof, Michael> for the freeze - focus on bug fixing. UI problems can be Michael> considered bugs, but the truth is they are a design issue. They do work, Michael> just not as might be desired. I think that Michael has a good point here. Why is it useful to declare a feature freeze? In my opinion the answer is so people can begin making plans with respect to the upcoming new stable release. If just anything is allowed after a feature freeze why declare one? Olof> There was no design specifications (if I'm not totally out Olof> in the sky flying). We code and write etc. for the fun and Olof> joy not to do specifications (don't interpret me wrong Olof> design specifications is a very good thing most of the Olof> time). There is no formal design specification. However, there is an informal one. When the feature freeze was announce there was a call to declare all the features that would be included in version 1.2. These UI issues were not declared, and, as Michael already said, they are not bugs. Olof, I think that the UI changes you are working on are great and need to be included in the GIMP. However, many people have worked hard (I'm not just speaking for myself) based on the presumption of a freeze. I think that should be respected. Best Wishes, Carey Bunks ------------------------------------ Dr. Carey Bunks Senior Scientist BBN Technologies 70 Fawcett St, 15/2A Cambridge, MA 02138 tel: 617-873-3028 fax: 617-873-2918 email: cbunks@xxxxxxx ------------------------------------