Thanks for suggesting GIMP to TUCOWS, but there are a couple of points: - The GIMP is not Shareware. It's Free Software. - The prebuilt "installer" version of GIMP for Windows I distribute from my web page needs to be cleaned up a bit before it can be redistributed by TUCOWS or others in a lerger scale; specifically there is some extra stuff included with an unclear license situation (for instance some of the user-contributed filters for the user-filter plug-in), that probably should be left out. Come to think of it, I'll leave them out from my next snapshots, too. Also, there is the GIF patent issue. - GIMP for Windows is not intended for end-users yet, it really *is* a developer version. - TUCOWS (or anybody else) doesn't need any permission to redistribute the parts that are under the GPL or LGPL, as long as it is done in agreement with the license conditions. That's the whole point of Free Software, more or less. Neither would I have any power to grant any such permissions as I certainly am not the copyright owner for most of the stuff. - I am not sure that the TUCOWS license agreement is compatible with the GPL and LGPL. I am not a lawyer. Does TUCOWS distribute other GPL and LGPL software without legal problems? --tml TUCOWS license agreement included here: LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. I hereby grant TUCOWS - The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software - a non-exclusive worldwide license to distribute my Shareware, known as XXXXXXXXXXXX (the "Shareware"), including posting it on the TUCOWS Web and FTP sites and publishing it on the TUCOWS CD-ROM. 2. I further agree that TUCOWS, or its affiliates, may itself publish the TUCOWS CD-ROM (including my Shareware), or may instead license the publication of the CD-ROM to a third party, or otherwise sell, assign, or transfer its rights to the publication of the CD-ROM, all without further consent from me. 3. I represent and warrant to TUCOWS that: a. I have all right, title, and interest in and to the Shareware and that I have the right to grant the license provided for in this agreement. b. The Shareware does not infringe any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary right of any other person. 4. I further agree that TUCOWS shall have full discretion and sole control in the production, packaging, marketing, and promotion of its Internet site and its CD-ROM. I agree that TUCOWS may refer to the Shareware on its packaging and in its promotional materials. 5. I understand that TUCOWS has no obligation to continue to include the Shareware on its Internet sites or its CD-ROM, and may discontinue publishing and distributing the Shareware at any time without notice to me.