Here's a better solution. I think it should work on all Unixes When gimp starts, scan the home directory for gimpswap files, and check if they are still current by trying to get an exclusive lock with an open() call. Any files that you can get a lock for, you unlink(). Finally, you create the new gimpswap with an exclusive lock. The only problem I can think of is if extensions have to open the file themselves, which I think is not the case since gimp should have some form of memory allocations from the swapfile. Cheers Bruce -----Original Message----- From: Sven Neumann <neumanns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: 12 October 1999 05:34 Subject: Re: swap files > >The following is not a real solution, but it I think it would make the user >understand the necessary internals better: > >Add a second dialog to the "User Installation" process that explains the user >Gimp's way of handling memory and allows him to choose the size of the >tile-cache-size and the location of the swap-file. > >At this point the dialog should try to propose some reasonably alternatives: >Choices for the directory should be '~/.gimp/tmp' or the the result of >g_get_tmpdir(). And of course, the dialog should not give any default values >and will not go away until the user makes a decision. > >To allow system-administrators to make this choices for their users, we skip >the dialog if the global gimprc already contains entries for these settings. > >What do you think?? > > >Salut, Sven > > > > > > > > > > > >