<snip...>Zounds! Appears to be another case of #2384: [gimp-bug] Doubleclicking on selection masks/quickmasks doesn't work.1) When saving a selection to channel <Image>/Select/Save to Channel
it is no longer possible to change the channel masks name by double
clicking on it in the channels dialog.
2) When a new channel mask is created (by clicking on the new channel#2384, for sure... In fact, I think I know how to fix this bugger...
icon in the button bar) it is possible to name the mask but later
after the mask has been created it is no longer possible to rename it.
3) Making more than a couple screen shots tends to crash the GIMP withZowee! That one sounds like it might be related to #2291: deleting image during save crashes gimp
a message such as:lib/gimp/1.1/plug-ins/screenshot: Segmentation fault caught
lib/gimp/1.1/plug-ins/screenshot (pid:742): [E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace or [P]roceed:However, typing "p" followed by "fg" and perhaps "p" again brings
the GIMP back to life again.
Hope this is useful.It is!
Now, I'd like to take this moment, and maybe the next two or three,
to shamelessly
plug (ahem) the Gnome Bug Reporting System that has been set up
for The Gimp.
takes you there.
It's where I go when I'm sick and tired of my own bugs and I want
to fix somebody else's
for a change. Look things up in the mailing list? Not for me! The
Gnome Bug Reporting
System is fast, easy, and slick, and it keeps everybody (middlin') honest
and organized.
Seth Burgess sez,
"... the easy way to submit bug reports is
through Xach's form at
and I couldn't agree more, and certainly not less (?) So, if you
want to know endlessly more,
go to http://bugs.gnome.org/Reporting.html
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled mailing list...;)
G. R. Osgood