Dear Gimpsters, I am currently working with the September 23 CVS version of the GIMP and I've found the following bugs: 1) When saving a selection to channel <Image>/Select/Save to Channel it is no longer possible to change the channel masks name by double clicking on it in the channels dialog. 2) When a new channel mask is created (by clicking on the new channel icon in the button bar) it is possible to name the mask but later after the mask has been created it is no longer possible to rename it. 3) Making more than a couple screen shots tends to crash the GIMP with a message such as: lib/gimp/1.1/plug-ins/screenshot: Segmentation fault caught lib/gimp/1.1/plug-ins/screenshot (pid:742): [E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace or [P]roceed: However, typing "p" followed by "fg" and perhaps "p" again brings the GIMP back to life again. Hope this is useful. Best Regards, Carey Bunks