On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Matthew Bloch wrote: > I've been using the GIMP quite happily to generate GIF titles for my web > pages. So I've printed some nice anti-aliased red text, clipped it to the > right size, and try to convert it to an indexed palette, asking for the > optimal 255 colours. But what happens is that it makes up a 1 colour > palette with a single red in, and converts all the soft-edged anti-aliased > text to a jagged, single colour. This doesn't strike me as the best use > of 255 colours, particularly as I don't think there /were/ 255 individual > different colours in my original RGB image :) Any ideas what I'm doing > wrong, or is this a long-standing bug, or what? Your text is on a background of some sort, right? If the rest of the image is transparent, it will indeed do what you describe, due to the way transparency works in gif. I just checked, and it works as expected. later, Andrew Kieschnick