I've been using the GIMP quite happily to generate GIF titles for my web pages. So I've printed some nice anti-aliased red text, clipped it to the right size, and try to convert it to an indexed palette, asking for the optimal 255 colours. But what happens is that it makes up a 1 colour palette with a single red in, and converts all the soft-edged anti-aliased text to a jagged, single colour. This doesn't strike me as the best use of 255 colours, particularly as I don't think there /were/ 255 individual different colours in my original RGB image :) Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or is this a long-standing bug, or what? I've peered through the FAQs and mailing list archives, but nobody else seems to be bothered about this (or am I just being very dim?). Hope somebody can help (and keep me in the Cc: line as I don't read this list too regularly). cheers, -- Matthew ( http://www.soup-kitchen.demon.co.uk/ )