Thank you for your quick amendment and kindness of receiving myimpudent suggestion, although my explanation was not too wellillustrated. Now Makefile works fine. »gsed« is the GNU sed, which allows any one-line style sed scriptswith semicolons even they contain advanced commands, but the BSD sedcan not accept them. So, I installed the GNU sed through the BSD portssystem into my PC, while the BSD sed is bundled with the officialreleases. Some GNU commands are prefixed a letter »g«, such as gmakeand gtar, so that their names can avoid confliction with names of someBSD commands which are already installed. I do not feel easy to work on PO than XML for translation, becauseI found gettext system sometimes tend to depend on the English grammar,particulary in sentences including few words or automatic placeholders.I made a plan that I will write all XML files before edit PO files,and my first contribution will be at November this year with »one patch«of PO files. I hope to giving suggestion about addition of paragraphsor images, and resolution around gettext system (if I can) afterthese days. 島本良太 (SimaMoto, RyôTa) --------------------------------------Yahoo! JAPAN - Internet safety for children and parents. mailing listGimp-docs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs