Re: Warnings while executing "make pdf"

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XuHunt (Samstag, 3. Januar 2009, 13:40):
> After ./, "make po" and "make html",

So making HTML worked for you?
Then "libxslt" (containing xsltproc) and your docbook stylesheets 
("docbook-xsl" on my system) are installed properly...

> I recieved warnings while making pdf like below:

Making pdf? Oh god, you are way ahead of us! ;-)

>     warning: failed to load external entity
> ""; //OASIS//DTD DocBook
> XML V4.3//EN" "";.

Hmm, dblatex is using xsltproc.

> type "locate docbookx.dtd" then I recieve this:
> /usr/share/xml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.3/docbookx.dtd.
> Actually there is a docbookx.dtd file of docbook/xml version 4.3 on
> my system, how can I use it instead of load it from the internet? Any
> suggestion?

With the correct entries in your catalog file (e.g. /etc/xml/catalog). 
But this should be configured automatically, and since "make html" 
worked for you, the configuation should be ok.

Try "make pdf-xx DBLATEXFLAGS='--verbose'" (xx = your locale).

I tried to make a German pdf, and it worked (some error messages 
about "Missing character"s) after adding manually a link to the images 


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