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Hi Sally,
Am 24.07.2006 um 19:09 schrieb Sally C. Barry:
Hello Gimp-doc people!
The Glossary is the first section of the Gimp documents which I looked
at. (I may need to go back to it again in the future, since I learned
more about it as I went along.) There are a couple of issues that
came up when I was going through the Glossary, which it might be good
to discuss on the list.
So, you took the tough end of the manual to start - congrats!
I found out that the German version had many glossentries which
in the English version, and also many glossentries which were quite
different (and more informative) in the German version. (If you did
that, Axel, thank you!)
thanks you for the flowers, but I didn't finish yet. There is still a
lot of work todo in the glossary.
I tried to translate the German changes back into English. One
issue with doing this is that other languages may also want to make
similar changes to their glossentries, and that's a lot of work!
A large number of the newer German glossentries refer to the German
version of Wikipedia. Sometimes they refer the reader to Wikipedia
for more information and sometimes they cite Wikipedia as the source
of the information.
Roman suggested that we discuss the issues involved in this on the
mailing list, so that we might come up with a useful policy.
I see these issues (for and against) the German Wikipedia references.
- Wikipedia can change at any moment, making the references
invalid or doubtful.
no, there are stable links to the articles. The topics we used so far
are on top of that pretty common. I don't see a reason why they
should dissapear from the wikipedia.
- Citing the German Wikipedia entries in the English glossentries
(or those of other languages) isn't much use because:
Since the en wikipedia is much larger than the german one there
shouldn't be many articles missing in the en wikipedia compared to
the german version.
- Not many non-German-language readers can understand German.
For the non german glossary entries non german wikipedia references
shall be used of course.
- The corresponding non-German Wikipedia entries (for example,
English) may be very different from the German one, so we
can't just change the references to (English/French/Czech/etc.)
well, a definition for imaging topics shouldn't vary too much. Color
is physically the same all over the world.
- We don't want to violate anyone's copyright by using their
material without a reference.
Well, good point. Right now I usually copied the first paragraph of
the wikipedia article and added a link. But wikipedia is free. There
is no way to violate wikipedias copyright, since all the content is
free ?!
- Is it really useful for the Gimp document readers to have to
refer to further information somewhere else? But if not, how
extensively should the Gimp docs go into specific topics?
Thats IMHO a very important point. I think it is specially in the
glossary important to give a SHORT definition of the term or topic,
but ALSO give a reference for people who like to know exactly whats
going on in the CMYK color space model.
One possibility would be to cite Wikipedia once at the top of the
Glossary for more information?
Uh, could you explain this a bit more detailed - I don't get your idea.
I think we indeed should double check the possibility of copyright
issues, but AFAIK we are not doing anything evil.
Thanks for your passion,
greetings, lexA
Thank you in advance for your ideas and suggestions.
Sally in Massachusetts
Gimp-docs mailing list
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