----- Original Message -----
From: "Sven Neumann" <sven@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Daniel Egger" <de@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Roman Joost" <romanofski@xxxxxxxx>;
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Gimp-docs] removing /html from cvs repository
My short extract:
Daniel Egger <de@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
On 06.11.2005, at 16:42, Roman Joost wrote:
As Sven already pointed out, it won't work to remove empty
on the repository site.
I think we can assume that there aren't too many people actually
checking out gimp-help-2 from CVS and most of them should be
subscribed here. Unless someone objects, I will ask Yosh to remove the
directory on the CVS server.
What does this mean? Where should I have gotten the copy of The GIMP
help from? Was downloading from gimp.org/en the best thing to do and
will it not be affected?
Okey guys,
I started a review about a month ago and now I have almost 700 erata for
the 356 or so URL/s (pages) I do not know what to do with. I would like
to help. In this process I have learned a lot about The GIMP and
about the people behind the code. I continue to be impressed by both. Oh
and some stuff about other projects like, Inkscape, Gtk, eclipse,
docbook and
Tango. But I'm afraid, not nearly enough to be of much use to you yet.
What I'd like to do is feed this back to someone in as painless a way as
possible for all involved, keeping in mind that I can only recommend or
some cases ask a question which I have not found an answer for yet.
For now my working notes are organized in a spreadsheet showing URLs,
identity and my recommendation or question. At the risk of apearing
I've included the first few lines from the Open Office file below.
In the beginning I copied or downloaded from gimp.org/en/ the help file
of 2.09. Then with the help of a couple of lists of errata I began to
identify occurances of each. The interim result is in this Open Office
en\reference, Identification, Comments
en\ch02s04s11.html, ??, Recommend adding the missing information...
en\ch03s14s03.html, (caadr), This is confusing. There is a run-on
sentence. Recommend adding a period. "functions to access. For
Recommend explaining “caadr.”
en\ch01s02.html, Abiword, What is the relation to The GIMP
en\ch07s10s05.html, Adaptative, Old (1913) spelling although
accepted today. Recommend change spelling to “Adaptive” because
it seen this way more often.
en\ch07s11s05.html, Adaptative, Old (1913) spelling although
accepted today. Recommend change spelling to “Adaptive” because
it seen this way more often.
en\ch07s02s07.html, Additionnal, Not found in The Collaborative
International Dictionary of English v.0.48. Recommend change
spelling to, “Additional.”
en\ch03s14s03.html, AIX, Recommend defining the acronym, AIX
and explain the relation to The GIMP.
en\ch02s04s03.html, Alphaless, This word in not in Not found in
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 . This
sentence is a passive. Recommend an active example similar to,
"When you open an image from a file format that does not support
transparency, your image has no alpha layer. Likewise, when you
create a new image using, File->New with a transparent Fill Type,
or when you flatten an image into a single layer there is no alpha
en\ch01.html, anti-aliasing , See: en\ch01s02s02.html, Whichever way
you wish this is okay. Recommend we be consistent. Either,”anti-aliasing,”
or “antialiasing.”
en\ch04s02s03.html, anti-aliasing, See: en\ch01s02s02.html, Whichever
way you wish this is okay. Recommend we be consistent. Either,
”anti-aliasing,” or “antialiasing.”
en\ch04s03.html, anti-aliasing, See: en\ch01s02s02.html, Whichever
way you wish this is okay. Recommend we be consistent. Either,
”anti-aliasing,” or “antialiasing.”
en\ch04s03s05.html, anti-aliasing, See: en\ch01s02s02.html, Whichever
way you wish this is okay. Recommend we be consistent. Either,
”anti-aliasing,” or “antialiasing.”
en\ch04s03s12.html, anti-aliasing, See: en\ch01s02s02.html, Whichever
way you wish this is okay. Recommend we be consistent. Either,
”anti-aliasing,” or “antialiasing.”
en\ch06s03s16.html, anti-aliasing, See: en\ch01s02s02.html,
Whichever way you wish this is okay. Recommend we be consistent.
Either,”anti-aliasing,” or “antialiasing.”
FWIW, I recently visited
and found the following:
a short extract:
<key><misc f="End"/></key> <action>Select the last
<key><ctrl/>M</key> <action>Merge visible
<key><ctrl/>H</key> <action>Anchar layer</action>
// I ask if the above "Anchar" is a typo or just something I haven't //
learned yet.
*<section title="Selections" color="f9f1d9">
I do wish not to misappropriate your time here, if there is a better
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