Re: do you need new operations ?

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On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 10:28 AM,  <thomas.manni@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written some operations for my own use into gimp.
> Let me know if you are interested by some of them, I will write tests and push to master.
> * median-blur (quite fast, histogram based computation of individual RGB channels, using a "zigzag" sliding window)

Could be useful

> * component-extract (extract a component from RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, YCbCr or LAB color spaces, very useful in a mask production workflow)

Very useful

> * lab-levels (like the current levels op, but in LAB color space)

Unsure, maybe there should be a common approach to using level, curves
etc. an arbitrary color spaces instead.

> * shadows-highlights (lighten shadows and darken highlights)

Absolutely a must

> * waveform (produce a luminance waveform scope, RGB parade will come soon)

Could be very useful, if anyone adopts GEGL for video production

> * color-clip (clamp pixels values into 0.0 - 1.0 range)

Could be useful

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