Re: Start hacking GEGL

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* Leonardo Giordani <leonardo.giordani@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [060303 11:45]:
> Hi all,
> my name is Leonardo Giordani. I am an italian Linux user and I work as 
> C/Python developer in the field of scientific applications (signal 
> processing). I have some knowledge about graphics programming mainly coming 
> from the demoscene.
> I'm very interested in GEGL and The GIMP, and I downloaded the GEGL source 
> code in order to begin understanding it.
> Afer reading some code and documentation I am a bit confused...
> The main questions are:
> 1) GEGL, gggl, babl: it is not clear to me "what is what". Should I study gggl 
> and babl to understand GEGL?

I created gggl to understand GEGL myself, babl is a byproduct of that
process which will be reused in GEGL.

> "This library is designed to do what GEGL will be designed to handle: image 
> processing operations catering for GIMP and many other applications."
> So GEGL is gggl-based?
> "Gggl is a version of GEGL that tries to be as simple as possible, but not 
> simpler."
> ...or gggl is a tiny GEGL version?

gggl is a tiny GEGL

> 2) Directed acyclic graph: where can I find more documentation about it?
> 3) Who is working in what field? Who can I help?

I am currently working on yet another related project, called horizon , my hope is to be able to reuse the
sparse buffer representation (the canvas subdirectory) from horizon in
GEGL. My plan forward is to replace the image processing operations in
horizon with GeglOperations, which eventually will be tied together by a
graph. My reason for doing things in this order is that I find it much
easier to work on code that actually does something visual rather than
work on code that eventually will do something visual.

The portion of the GEGL code I understood the least last summer when
looking into it was the gegl/image folder. Portions of that code will be
deprecated by babl and other portions will be deprecated by the buffer
implementation that is emerging in horizon.

/Øyvind K.

«The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed»
                                                 -- William Gibson                  


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