Geglers: I removed a lot(!) of old files to make way for bringing in the new gegl/image library. Some of the removed files will be brought back after more of the new stuff is in place, but some will not be needed. Daniel you should be able to eliminate duplicate copies of any files in libimage and libgegl now. To see how the new Property and Node classes work check the new unit tests: bfspropertyvisitortest.c dfsnodevisitortest.c dfspropertyvisitortest.c graphtest.c mockimagefiltertest.c mockfilter01test.c mockfilter11test.c mockfilter12test.c mockfilter21test.c mockfilter22test.c updatepropertytest.c To see how to connect properties, see nodeconnectionstest.c. To see examples of how filters work and how they set up their properties (input and output) check the mockfilter tests above. These use test objects: gegl-mock-filter-0-1.c gegl-mock-filter-1-1.c gegl-mock-filter-1-2.c gegl-mock-filter-2-1.c gegl-mock-filter-2-2.c where each mock-filter-i-j has i inputs and j outputs. (each of which is just a scalar int as input or output) To see how the new visitors traverse the property graph, see dfspropertyvisitortest.c. Then to see how the same traversal code can be used to traverse nodes instead you can compare this with dfsnodevisitortest. Finally to see how images will work in graphs, you can look at mockimagefiltertest which uses a MockImage as a property of a MockImageFilter (it inputs an image and outputs an image). Ill update docs in a week or so and continue filling out classes till we can pass image data again once we have the new image related classes in gegl/gegl/image. Calvin