Hello Gegl-ers: Just to bring things up to date with some of the ideas and plans for gegl that were discussed at gimpcon. There were discussions both on gegl internals as well as what is needed to integrate gegl with gimp. Ill give a short summary of the discussions about gegl internals that were covered separate from the more general discussions about gimp and gegl that will be in some of the meeting notes from the camp. On the internal side, Dan Rogers, Pippin and I talked about some of the following issues: * images, colormodels, colorspaces, data buffers, samplemodels: More work is needed on all of these areas as the current versions were just put in to allow work on the graph and node related code to proceed. Dan is going to start experimenting with classes related to the some of the above (modeled somewhat on java2d ideas) to see if he can provide some GObject versions of the above that will be general enough to cover all of the things we want. * stand-in ops of each kind, till we move a little bit further. We should actually remove most of the current ops till some of the above mentioned work progresses a little further, to keep from redoing the ops processing routines again and again while the code for actually getting pointers out of image data via samplemodels and/or iterators churns as a result of the above development. At the same time we need to provide an example of all the op types we expect we will need to handle (We need examples of area ops, geometric ops, statistics, etc beyond the point ops that are currently in gegl) * file i/o, display testing Get some actual file io happening so that more elaborate testing can be done. Pippin may be looking into getting some of this going, and possibly bringing over some code from his Bauxite project (Check http://phpweb.hig.no/~oey_kola/bauxite, it is a nice sleek, non-gobject straight C version of most things we need in gegl). * properties, serialization of graphs Leverage from Sven and Mitch's work in gimp for serializing GObjects so that we have a way to do this for regular Gegl objects and can use it for testing large graphs, and experimenting with graph file formats and so forth. This may not become part of core gegl, but might be provided as part of sample code and used in unit tests and so on. * auto-generated uis for properties of nodes, ops Again using some of the code from gimp that already does this and adapting it for use in samples and for testing/building gegl nodes. Anyone who wants to fill in more of the above, please do... Probably some other things I am forgetting since I am still jet-lagged... Calvin