Sorry - here's the executable:
c:\program files\gcc\libexec\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\13.1.0
- George Rinker
On 2024-11-06 01:25, Peter0x44 wrote:
6 Nov 2024 4:19:59 am George Rinker <gar137@xxxxxxxxxx>:
What prompted me to ask was a compiler error flag that pointed to
column 72 of the first line of the source code main program, which
was unchanged from what had previously been compiled many times. The
first thing that occurred to me was that a bad non-printing character
had somehow crept into the line, and I spent a while moving things
around and re-editing it. Without success. Eventually I found the
problem, which was that a subroutine declaration in one of my
libraries had been inadvertently removed, so that a bunch of dead
code with an end statement lurked far down in the source. I guess
that was why the error pointer was so far off.
My bigger concern is why the Fortran errors get dumped to my terminal
(cmd.exe in Windows 10) in such a way that the terminal hangs and I
have to kill the window and restart it. The first line of the error
message is OK, but subsequent lines are garbled and hang the I/O.
Whatever routines gcc uses to dump those subsequent messages, they
are not the same as what is used for the first one, or for other
compiler messages. Or their parameters are different. That's what I'd
like to track down.
Which gcc version are you using? It would be best to see if this
reproduces with a currently supported version.
Also, cmd.exe is a shell, not a terminal. The terminal is probably
conhost.exe, or maybe windows terminal if you opted to install it.
There is also mintty, but probably you'd know if you were using it.
The problem is independent of the source code being compiled.
- George Rinker
On 2024-11-05 16:43, Peter0x44 wrote:
On 2024-11-04 23:57, George Rinker wrote:
I've been having some problems getting my source code compiled with
gfortran. In particular, I get inexplicable fatal errors with
pointers to code lines that are legal and have compiled many times
before, and the error messages are not informative and hang the
command shell I'm using (cmd.exe). There seem to be problems with
stderr, stdin, and stdout in the compiler, presumably due to
incompatible terminal assignments. I've been writing Fortran
programs continually for almost 60 years (since 1967), so it's not
like I'm new at this. Is there a forum or something where I can get
advice about this sort of thing?
- George Rinker
You can get gfortran from w64devkit:
It is hard to comment further without more details, such as perhaps
windows version or the gcc version you are using, or the code itself.