I have installed the stand alone CodeBlocks 17.12 .
It came with mingw32-gcc-5.1.0.exe .
I am having some difficulty compiling commands like std::codecvt_utf8
and others.
I have looked at the page
https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/locale/codecvt_utf8 and they have a
list of compilers that work with their code.
I tried some of the gcc versions and found that GCC 5.2 (C++11) works OK
with it.
Therefore, my question for you is:
Where do I get a GCC 5.2 (C++11) download from you guys?
Or maybe if GCC 5.5 would work for my computer. Maybe?
I am using a Windows XP Pro (32 bit) service pack 2 .
Thank you.