On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 8:56 AM muzungu--- via Gcc-help <gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > * does every -f<xyz> have a -fno-<xyz>? I think that’s the idea. > * would I be able able to disable single optimizations activated via -O<x> using -fno-<xyz> after -O<x>? Yes. > * When LTO is enabled, are the optimizations only effective at link time and not during the compilation into IR (GIMPLE)? I would expect them to be recorded in the intermediate object file and becoming effective during code generation, but I am not sure about that. > * Since there is a rather long list of optimization options which would very likely exceed the command line length, what is the solution to activate a custom set of optimzations? I could not find a --configfile option or similar to replace the command line. What do you think is your maximum command line length? This should not be a problem on any sane OS.