Gentle People:
I have an unusual situation! For some time now I have been
developing and application
using C with Mingw gcc. The application performs long overnight
optimization runs,
sometimes running several days.
The application crashes on Win7 (Read that causes Reboot on Win7)
but runs fine on Win10!
Windows 7 - Mingw Gcc Build - Crashes Windows7
Windows 10 - Mingw Gcc Build - Works Great
Solaris - Gcc Build - Works Great
Redhat/CentOS- Gcc Build - Works Great
I am aware of memory consumption or leak issues, and with
significant amounts of effort have
fixed them in the architecture. The architecture relies heavily on
linked lists and I am well aware of
freeing or recycling unneeded lists to control memory leaks. I have
verified this with observation of the
Resource Monitor!
Question 1: Has anyone else seen this type of bug?
Question 2: How do I debug this given the fact that Win 7 crashes
and takes gdb with it.