Hello. I have been trying to run a program that requires Glic 2.12. I compiled version 2.17. Then I try to run the executable with: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Glibc-2.17-32bit/lib ./name_of_the_program. It ends with a Segmentation fault. Then I had the idea of compiling gcc instead, imagining that the source of the seg fault was some incompatibility between the system libstdc++ or some other system's lib with some of the libs that belongs to Glibc2.17. Then I looked for Glic and saw that it does not belong to the gcc package. So now I don't know what to do. I don't know if the gcc version has somehow to match the Glibc used, or even if compiling a newer Gcc than the one I have is of any use. Or if there is a way to identify the cause of the seg fault and rectify it.