It is probably helpful to ask this question on the GNU Fortran mailing
list (copied here), as more Fortran developers are listening there ...
Two questions off-hand:
1. Do you have a small test case that shows the problem ?
2. Is this single- or multi-threaded code ?
On 12/13/18 10:31 PM, Harald Anlauf wrote:
is there a public gcc benchmark that checks for performance
regressions in particular for sparse-matrix vector multiplication?
I've noticed (and confirmed by perf measurements) a significant
performance drop on x86_64/Skylake from gfortran-8 to gfortran-9
(current trunk version) for a code that uses both CSC and CSR
storage. gfortran-8 performance is the same as gfortran-7.
Kind regards,
Toon Moene - e-mail: toon@xxxxxxxxx - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
At home:; weather:
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