I am using GCC8.2.0 and have a free lambda as follows: auto sadd = [](auto & out, const auto & in, const double factor=1.) { for (auto i=0u;i<in.size();++i) out[i]+=factor*in[i]; }; that I use everywhere throughout my code, mostly with std::array types. I would like to know which calls to this lambda have been vectorized and which calls haven't and why. The vectorization report gives me the information, but only reports the line corresponding to the lambda, not where the lambda was called. I use the flags -std=c++1z -Ofast -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=9 -fopt-info-all=vec.info. Is there any way to obtain a vectorization report with a readable call tree so I know in which calls to sadd vectorization succeeded or failed? Thanks in advance. -- Astor