On 18 August 2017 at 10:43, niXman wrote: > Andrew Haley 2017-08-18 11:51: > > Hi, > >> I've seen many odd things on the GCC lists, but this is one of the >> oddest. Coroutines have been a feature of other programming languages >> for 50 years, and at no point has anyone thought them worthwhile >> enough to put them into C or C++. That's not entirely true, to quote Stroustrup: "As an aside, I can point out that for its first 10 years, C++ had a fast coroutine library (the task library) that was the basis for many early applications. Without the coroutines in the task library, you'd never have heard of C++. Unfortunately, the task library was not considered sufficiently user friendly, so the non-AT&T implementations didn't ship it, and it didn't make it into the standard." The Task library documentation can be seen in http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/c_plus_plus/cfront/release_2.0/doc/LibraryManual.pdf > They could have been added at any >> time; there is nothing particularly difficult about their >> implementation. But somehow now, in 2017, they are of great >> importance. Is there any reason that this language feature is more >> compelling today than at any point in the past? > > > no, because we have boost.coroutine2 =) > > http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/libs/coroutine2/doc/html/index.html Which is only 4-5 years old. But we survived fine without them for most of the 1990s and 2000s.