Dear gcc people, Last many hours, I've been reading up on how to create a cross compiler for educational purposes and although I have a pretty clear view on what parts are involved I haven't been able to get further then building binutils and bootstrapping gcc. I've read many, many articles online and all follow mostly the same steps, although some use different options. I have read the linux from scratch how to, this post from Jim Blandy:, this post and many more but I keep running into errors with glibc. Therefore I was wondering if someone got a build script that creates a cross compiler using glibc 2.17, gcc 4.7.2, binutils 2.32.1, kernel 3.6.11 for arm? I have build the binutils and have a bootstrapped gcc (first step). But no matter what options or approaches I take, I cannot get glibc to compile (first step). Currently it seems that it cannot find stdio.h. I'm not sure if this is the stdio.h from the glibc library itself (?) and if so why can't it find it's own headers? I have pasted my config.log, configure and make log here Any advise or insights are welcome, Thanks D