2013/2/11 Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahmood@xxxxxxxxx>: > Hi, > Can someone help me with this error when making my program. > > > make[5]: Entering directory `/home/mahmood/trunk/simulators/CMP.L2Shared.Trace' > /usr/bin/g++-4.1 -isystem /opt/boost_1_33_1 -isystem /home/mahmood/simics-3.0.31/src/include -I/home/mahmood/trunk -Ibooksim -Ibooksim/arbiters -Ibooksim/allocators -Ibooksim/routers -Ibooksim/networks -IDRAMSim2 -DTARGET_PLATFORM=v9 -DSELECTED_DEBUG=iface -M -MF wiring.v9_iface_gcc_dep -MM -MT wiring.v9_iface_gcc_o wiring.cpp > Putting child 0x016cbf20 (wiring.v9_iface_gcc_dep) PID 31579 on the chain. > Live child 0x016cbf20 (wiring.v9_iface_gcc_dep) PID 31579 > g++-4.1: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory > > Hi, Mahmood, Specifically speaking, g++/gcc are drivers. They invoke physical compiler, assembler, and linker sequentially to complete compilation works. 'cc1plus' is a physical c++ compiler. It is supposed to be installed in your system with gcc package. So I think there must be some problem with your gcc installation process. Best regards, jasonwucj