On 22/12/12 01:58, dlr13@xxxxxxx wrote: > First, apologies if this question has been answered elsewhere or I am doing something really stupid. I have searched for several hours for a solution to my problem with no success. > > I am trying to do a GCC build of a mix of C and Fortran source that has been successfully compiled for many years with both the PGI and Intel compilers. I have one Fortran routine that calls "qsort", a sorting routine provided in most libraries. I know it is provided in the GCC libraries. However, because the call is from Fortran code, it will properly link with the library and I get this error: > > Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: > "_qsort_", referenced from: > > I understand that the trailing underscore is the problem, but I cannot use the "no-underscoring" compiler flags because the code also links to other libraries that do provide the underscore which then breaks everything else. I am using gfortran to do the linking though I get the same error with gcc. I am using version 4.8 currently but get the same error with 4.7. Everything is on OS X, 10.7. > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. > > _____ > David I would just add a C file wrapping one to the other: #include <stdlib.h> void qsort_(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { return qsort(base, nmemb, size, compar); } It is possible to make _qsort_ an alias for _qsort, but it would take me more time to dig the reference than making such stub :)