This is a re-post from the gcc maillist which, it turns out, was the wrong place. Sent Friday, November 9, 2012 2:51 pm To gcc@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject the struggle to create a 64-bit gcc on Solaris 10 I have been trying repeatedly and in incrementally more rewarding stages towards building a purely 64-bit GCC compiler on Solaris 10 sparc. I have no need for the 32-bit libs at all and my entire toolchain is 64-bit only. There are no 32-bit libs in /usr/local/lib nor do there need to be. Thus far things have gone well with this approach but I have been using the Oraccle Studio compilers to get to this point. Now I need to get to GCC and then never look back. This has been a struggle as I have needed to hand edit Makefiles over and over and regardless of what I do I end up stopping within stage one of the 3-stage bootstrap with a problem dealing with GMP libs. I have the sources to gmp, mpfr and mpc extracted in the gcc-4.7.2 source directory. No problem there. I have hand edited Makefiles after configure to ensure that ABI=64 in every Makefile that needs it. Thus : $ find . -type f -name Makefile | xargs grep "^ABI" ./gmp/mpq/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tune/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/scanf/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/mpf/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/printf/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/mpn/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/mpz/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/cxx/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/devel/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/misc/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/rand/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/cxx/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/mpn/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/mpz/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/mpf/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/mpq/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/tests/mpbsd/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/mpbsd/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/demos/calc/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/demos/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/demos/expr/Makefile:ABI = 64 ./gmp/doc/Makefile:ABI = 64 After doing this and running gmake I eventually get stopped and see these guys : $ find . -type f | xargs file | grep ELF | grep -v 64 ./gmp/gen-bases: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped ./gmp/gen-psqr: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped ./gmp/gen-fac_ui: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped ./gmp/gen-fib: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped ./gmp/gen-trialdivtab: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped All of which were somehow compiled as 32-bit binaries. No idea where they are coming from and why they did not respect the CFLAGS of "-m64 -mptr64 " which I have hand edited into Makefiles everywhere. As an example : $ diff ./Makefile.backup Makefile 414c414 < STAGE_CFLAGS = $(BOOT_CFLAGS) --- > STAGE_CFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 -I/usr/local/include:/opt/csw/gcc4/include $(BOOT_CFLAGS) 417c417 < POSTSTAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-build-with-cxx --- > POSTSTAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 --enable-build-with-cxx 421,422c421,422 < STAGE1_CFLAGS = $(STAGE_CFLAGS) < STAGE1_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) --- > STAGE1_CFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_CFLAGS) > STAGE1_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(CXXFLAGS) 424,425c424,425 < STAGE1_CXXFLAGS = $(STAGE1_CFLAGS) < STAGE1_TFLAGS = $(STAGE_TFLAGS) --- > STAGE1_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE1_CFLAGS) > STAGE1_TFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_TFLAGS) 432,433c432,433 < STAGE2_CFLAGS = $(STAGE_CFLAGS) < STAGE2_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) --- > STAGE2_CFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_CFLAGS) > STAGE2_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(CXXFLAGS) 435c435 < STAGE2_CXXFLAGS = $(STAGE2_CFLAGS) --- > STAGE2_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE2_CFLAGS) 443,444c443,444 < STAGE3_CFLAGS = $(STAGE_CFLAGS) < STAGE3_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) --- > STAGE3_CFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_CFLAGS) > STAGE3_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(CXXFLAGS) 446,447c446,447 < STAGE3_CXXFLAGS = $(STAGE3_CFLAGS) < STAGE3_TFLAGS = $(STAGE_TFLAGS) --- > STAGE3_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE3_CFLAGS) > STAGE3_TFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_TFLAGS) 454,455c454,455 < STAGE4_CFLAGS = $(STAGE_CFLAGS) < STAGE4_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) --- > STAGE4_CFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_CFLAGS) > STAGE4_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(CXXFLAGS) 457,458c457,458 < STAGE4_CXXFLAGS = $(STAGE4_CFLAGS) < STAGE4_TFLAGS = $(STAGE_TFLAGS) --- > STAGE4_CXXFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE4_CFLAGS) > STAGE4_TFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 $(STAGE_TFLAGS) 493c493 < STAGE1_CFLAGS = -g -fkeep-inline-functions --- > STAGE1_CFLAGS = -m64 -mptr64 -g -fkeep-inline-functions A bit messy I know. However this is pass 1 with hopes that by the third time I do this it will be a fine art. Any pointers at all as to the error of my ways ? Dennis ps: I am using gcc 4.5.1 to perform the bootstrap and this release has been very well tested : $ which gcc /opt/csw/gcc4/bin/gcc $ $ $CC --version gcc ( Inc. Mon Aug 9 07:10:45 GMT 2010) 4.5.1 Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.