On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 5:05 AM, Henrik Mannerström <henrik.mannerstrom@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > If I understand the Intel reference correctly, the CVTDQ2PD should allow > me to convert two 64 bit integers into two 64 bit doubles in one blow. > How should I write this in gcc C/C++? > > Program 1 uses casting to illustrate the point, it outputs 0 and 1. > Program 2 was my naive attempt to use vectorization, it outputs 0 and > 4.94066e-324, which is _not_ what I intended. > a.vd = __v2df(a.vi); This is just a type cast of the vector as a whole. It doesn't convert the individual vector elements. This program does what you want. Ian extern "C" { #include <immintrin.h> } #include <iostream> typedef union { __v2df vd; __v2di vi; int long long i[2]; double d[2]; } v_t; int main(void) { v_t a; for (int k=0;k!=2;k+=1) { a.i[k] = k; } a.vd = _mm_cvtepi32_pd(a.vi); for (int k=0;k!=2;k+=1) { std::cout << a.d[k] << std::endl; } return 0; }