Hi all: My mips is 24k core series, and I have some questions when I using mtc0/mfc0. 1. no matter what "spacing" in the execution-hazard or instruction-hazard, is it enough to use "ehb" and "JALR.HB" once? 2. below is excerpted from the spec. producer consumer hazard on spacing MTC0 -> Interrupted instruction Status 2 MTC0 ->Load/Store affected by new state StatusER 3 MTC0 -> Coprocessor instruction affected by new state StatusCU 4 MTC0 -> Instruction fetch seeing the new value EntryHiASID 10 Are there any example which can tell me what does " Interrupted instruction" "Load/Store affected by new state" "Coprocessor instruction affected by new state" " Instruction fetch seeing the new value" mean? -- Thanks for your help in advance, -- Regards,