I have created a static library libdump.a for file dump.c as below :
gcc -c dump.c -o dump.o
ar -rcsv libdump.a dump.o
When I test it for an eg program as below, it works fine.
gcc eg.c -L. -ldump -o eg.o
Now I have added a call to a function "dummy" from dump.c in all the
functions in gcc.
And modified Makefile and configure to incorporate the option -L{path}
Now during make, in stage1, it fails at i686-pc-linux-gnu/libgomp.
It gives error : C compiler cannot create executables
When I check config.log, it is unable to find reference to the function
Could you please tell me the right way of adding a library in gcc?
Also where all do I have to modify, so that all the functions in gcc can
access the library?