----- Original Message -----
From: "Nikolaus Haberer" <nikolaus.haberer@xxxxxx>
To: <gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 4:55 AM
Subject: Installing and Using GCC Fortran with Windows 7
Dear Sir or Madam,
my Dad started programming in the early 80's with Fortran and will no
return to it after getting retiered.
So just 4 fun.
He is using a standart Pc with Windows 7 on it.
My question now is: What do i have to wodnload exactly and wich gui can i
use 4 it? Is there an open soure sollution?
MinGW is a free and open-source implementation of gcc (including Fortran)
for Windows.
It's a command line utility, but I believe that a gui capability is provided
by installing Dev-C++ . (I don't know whether installing Dev-C++
automatically installs MinGW, or whether they're 2 separate installs.)