If your code is better because it uses some
C99 features, then use those features and write code that is better
98% of your potential users. Your code then conforms to C99
but /may/ work on some non-C99 compilers.
That's what I'm thinking. I can't figure out how to provide the
functionality I need using C89. The functionality I need is:
1. Variadic macros, which allows me to do this:
#define myprintfwrapper (A,...) myfunc (__FILE__,__LINE__,A,__VA_ARGS__)
void myfunc (char *szfile, int line, A, ...);
2. Struct initialization with run-time data, which allows const
members of the struct to contain run-time data. I make the members
const for efficiency and error prevention.
If anyone can figure out how to do those things with C89, let me know.