Dear all,
suppose a templated class:
template< typename T >
struct A {
const T& some_function( const T& )
T i[10];
and a specialization for some type, say
PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex<REAL64>, Nc>, Ns >:
struct A<PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex<REAL64>, Nc>, Ns > > {
const PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex<REAL64>, Nc>, Ns >&
some_function( const PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex<REAL64>, Nc>, Ns
& )
PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex<REAL64>, Nc>, Ns > i[10];
Is there a way to avoid the redundant typing of the specialized typename
in the template specialization?
I know, using templates would exactly avoid this. But I really need
this kind of specialization to specialize the some_function
I would not like to use the preprocessor. Like:
#define PSpinVector< PColorVector< RComplex<REAL64>, Nc>, Ns > T
struct A<T> {
const T& some_function( const T& )
T i[10];
#undef T
Isn't there a template-way of doing this?
Best regards,
Frank Winter
Institut fuer theoretische Physik
Universitaet Regensburg
Universitaetsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg
office +49 (0)941 943 2085