I cannot get the package Ada.Execution_Time to work with gnat, although the gnat documentation says that the real-time annex is fully supported... I use the gnat version 4.4 on a Ubuntu 9.10 distribution. The typical error message I get is gcc -c executiontime.adb Execution_Time is not supported in this configuration compilation abandoned How can I configure gnat to support the Ada.Execution_Time package? Hopefully somebody can help me! Thanks in advance! Ingo Below follows an example program that generates the error messge. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; with Ada.Execution_Time; procedure ExecutionTime is task T; task body T is Start : CPU_Time; Interval : Time_Span := Milliseconds(100); begin Start := Ada.Execution_Time.Clock; loop Put_Line(Duration'Image(Ada.Execution_Time.Clock - Start)); delay To_Duration(Interval); end loop; end T; begin null; end ExecutionTime;