Hi experts, I'm not sure whether it is a gcc bug or a feature. In the following enum's (see code below) the en1 and en2 are converted to a 64 bit type ("long long int" in i686 GNU/Linux or "long int" in x86_64 GNU/Linux). However, if printing it directly via the first printf command, the numbers are interpreted as a 32 bit type. As a result I get the following output: 1 << 31: 80000000, 0xffffffff: ffffffff Enums: ffffffff80000000, ffffffff Code enums.cpp (32 bit version): ------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> enum { en1 = 1 << 31 /*0x80000000*/ ,en2 = 0xffffffff }; int main () { printf("1 << 31: %x, 0xffffffff: %x \n", 1 << 31, 0xffffffff); printf("Enums: %llx, %llx \n", en1, en2); } ------------------------------ For 64 bit the second printf should be replaced by: printf("Enums: %lx, %lx, \n", en1, en2); I compiled it with: g++ -g -o enums.cpp enums.cpp Has anybody an idea, why the enum types are converted to 64 bit? Thanks a lot, Hajo