Hi M'barka, Your question is not a GCC question. It's not even a general programming language question, which sometimes are asked on this forum. This is not the correct forum for Linux problems. This is not the correct forum for Trafscrambler problems. I do not say this to chastize, I merely say it so that you might be able to find a better suited forum where your questions can be answered more quickly. In the case you mentioned, probably on a Trafscrambler forum. That being said... I was not aware that Trafscrambler runs on Linux. You may need to port Trafscrambler to from Macintosh OS X to Linux. Or you may want to consider SniffJokes which Trafscrambler was based upon. Whatever Linux you are using (since you didn't mention which Linux distribution you use), make sure you have installed the development tools for your Linux distribution. On some Linux distributions, the development tools are installed standard. On other Linux distributions, the development tools have to be installed explicitly. Exactly how to install the development tools varies by distribution. If you are using Macintosh OS X, that is not a Linux distribution. It uses Darwin as the kernel, which drew upon the Mach and FreeBSD projects (and Mach drew upon 4.2BSD). The development environment is not pre-installed. It is available freely: it is both bundled with the OS X DVD, and downloadable from apple.com (albeit you have to register, which is free). I recommend the Xcode download from apple.com, since it is likely more current than what was on the OS X DVD. Linux was created independently by Torvalds. He was inspired by Minix (but created Linux from wholecloth, not from Minix source). Here's a nice Unix lineage chart from 1969-2003: <http://tuxtraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/unix-timeline2.png> Here's a nice Linux lineage chart from 1992-2007: <http://tuxtraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/linuxchart.png> HTH, --Eljay