Hi everyone, Is it possible to return a structure as the function return? I made a program to test if it's possible and worked, but now I have a few doubts: - It's secure to use this procedure? - It's a true structure return or something else? - The ansi c standard allow this or it's a "plus" of gcc? The program that I made to test: #include <stdio.h> typedef struct myStruct_ { int a; char b, c; } myStruct; myStruct getMyStruct() { myStruct sample; printf("sample: %x\n", (unsigned int)&sample); sample.a = 5; sample.b = 6; sample.c = 7; return sample; } int main() { myStruct myStr; printf("before: %x\n", (unsigned int)&myStr); myStr = getMyStruct(); printf("after: %x\n", (unsigned int)&myStr); printf("a: %d\n", myStr.a); return 0; } Thanks in advance, Paulo Flabiano Smorigo