I have a fairly old version of gcc-4.2. I have removed the shared
libraries from gcc-root/lib, so that there are only .a library files
in it.
This causes my source code to only be dynamically dependent upon Apple
provided libraries and removes dependencies to gcc libraries. This
works just fine, and is good because I run this executable on a
cluster setup that doesn't have the gcc libraries installed.
I decided to build v4.4.2. This build and installed just fine. If I
allow the dynamic libraries everything works just fine, but if I
remove them I get an error:
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/gcc-4.4.2/lib/gcc/i686-apple-
darwin8/4.4.2/../../../libstdc++.a(functexcept.o) malformed object,
illegal reference for -dynamic code (reference to a coalesced section
(__TEXT,__textcoal_nt) from section (__TEXT,__text) relocation entry
If I pass the functexcept.o to the linker, it will compile.
I don't really deal much with libraries, so I tried putting
functexcept.o in its own library with an ar command, and deleted
functexcept.o out of the libsdc++.a library.
I get the same exact error, except the error references the library
that I made instead of libstdc++.a
Any help would be appreciated.