My printf that doesn't print anything is called in func2 that i don't
remember i wrote in previous email.
Quoting Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh <mohsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dear all,
i have a struct & 3 pointer to it.
i defined them global.but i can't access globaly.
struct linked_list{
int ii;
const char * srcip;
const char * dstip;
const char * hostname;
char * url;
char * date;
char * username;
struct linked_list *next;
struct linked_list *previous;
};//end of struct
static struct linked_list *last,*start;
int filling_node(char * srcip,char * dstip,char * hostname,char * url
,char * date,char * username){
ptr = new_node();
ptr->srcip = srcip;
ptr->username = username;
void func2(){
But my code doesn't print anything.But, when i use my printf in
filling_node func, i see result.So,i guess this related to global var.
help me please.....
System Administrator
System Administrator