Hi All, I?m new to the Ada programming language. I have downloaded GNAT for the .NET Platform, and I?m having issues trying to get my main program to use the Etc package which is in another file in the same subdirectory. I assume I have to use complier directives. I?m not sure how is it is done in GNAT. Please note I?m using MS Visual Studio 2005 as the IDE. I have listed both files at the end of this email. Any assistance and perhaps some general information in this area would be greatly appreciated. (Both files are in the same subdirectory). Thanks Marco Mastrocinque. Etc Pacakage with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions; package Etc is type My_Float is digits 7; type My_Integer is range -100000 .. +100000; package My_Float_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(My_Float); package My_Integer_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(My_Integer); package My_Elementary_Functions is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(My_Float); end Etc; Print_Roots pacakage (Main file) with Ada.Text_IO, Etc; procedure Print_Roots is use My_Float_IO, My_Integer_IO, My_Elementary_Functions; X: My_Float; begin Put("Roots of various numbers"); New_Line(2); loop Get(X); exit when X = 0.0; Put(" Root of "); Put(X); Put(" is "); if X < 0.0 then Put("not calculable"); else Put(Sqrt(X)); end if; New_Line; end loop; New_Line; Put("Program Finished"); New_Line; end Print_Roots;